UL Certification

English Underwriters Laboratories UL (Underwriter Laboratories Inc.) Shorthand .
UL safety test of America’s most authoritative , but also in security testing and identification of the boundaries of large private institutions . It is an independent , non-profit , do testing for public safety professional organizations . It uses scientific methods to study the test to determine the extent of a variety of materials , devices, products , equipment, and construction of life , property damage and whether hazards ; determine , write, issue the appropriate standards and help reduce and prevent life property losses of data , while carrying out the facts research business .
In short , it is primarily engaged in operating and safety certification and product safety certification business, the ultimate goal is to get the product to the market with considerable safety standards , guaranteed to make personal contributions to health and property safety . Product safety certification as an effective means to eliminate technical barriers to international trade , UL, to promote the development of international trade also played an active role.

UL was founded in 1894 , the initial phase of the action in maintaining UL main fire financed by the insurance sector , until 1916 , UL was completely independent. After nearly a century of development , UL has become a world -known certification body , has its own set of strict management system of the organization , standards development and product certification programs. UL by a Council to manage security experts, government officials , consumers , education , utilities , insurance and standards department composed of representatives of the daily work of the president, vice president handling . Currently , UL has five laboratories in the United States , headquartered in Northbrook town north of Chicago , and set up a corresponding laboratory in Taiwan and Hong Kong , the United States, is a symbol for consumers UL safety mark . Global , UL is one of the most trusted manufacturers conformity assessment providers.


FDA Certification

Products have FDA approval, is the product into the U.S. market “pass.” Only FDA approved products to enter the European and American markets. The product itself, to get FDA approval, can not only improve brand influence the product, but also greatly expand the product in the international market share. 

FDA certification scope
For all direct contact with food and beverages , or direct contact with human tongue containers, materials, etc. , must pass FDA standards , testing and certification , in order to enter the U.S. market.
1 FDA testing and certification of food packaging materials
Paper, plastic film, metal foil plastic
2 glass ceramic products FDA testing and certification
Various types of glass ceramic pots, bowls, plates , spoons, pots, cups, bottles, pots and other products
3 FDA food-grade plastic products testing and certification
Direct contact with the food or the plastic material entrance , including: nylon , ABS, ACRY, PU, PE, PC, PVC, PP, PR, PET, PO, PS, PSU, POM, PPS, EVA, SAN, SMM, EVA, BS, MEL, COPP, KRAT, ACRY etc.
4 . Coatings FDA testing and certification
Wax coated on the surface of the food contact copolymers , PVC coatings, powder coatings, inks and the like.
5 . Plumbing hardware FDA testing and certification of products
And drinking water, faucet water contact , pipes, containers , valves , water heaters , etc.
6 rubber resin FDA testing and certification of products
7 sealant FDA testing and certification
8 . Chemical additives FDA testing and certification
Pigments, preservatives , antioxidants , surfactants and the like
9 , food
10 , the medical device
11 , drug
12 , food additives
13 , drinks
14 , with food-related materials.


ASTM Certification

ASTM predecessor of the International Society for Testing Materials (International Association for Testing Materials, IATM).
1880s , to address the comments and disagreements buyers and suppliers in the purchase and sale of industrial processes to produce the material , it was proposed to establish technical committee system , the Technical Committee composed of representatives of all aspects of the organization to participate in technical seminars , discussions to resolve the material specification , test procedures and other aspects of contentious issues .
ASTM is one of America’s oldest and largest nonprofit academic standards bodies . After a century of development , ASTM existing 33,669 ( individual and group ) members , of which there are 22,396 members of the main committee as a technical expert working in its various committees. ASTM technical committees under total of 2004 Technical Sub-Committee . There are 105,817 units participated in the ASTM standards development work , the main task is to develop the characteristics and performance standards , test methods and procedures standard materials, products , systems, and services sectors and promote the development and promotion of knowledge .

1 ASTM standard classification

ASTM standards of the following six types.
( 1 ) Standard Test Method (Standard Test Method) it is for the identification, detection and evaluation of material , product, system or service quality , characteristics and parameters and other indicators and the use of prescribed procedures .
( 2 ) Standard Specification (Standard Specification) of its materials, products , systems, or project technical requirements and gives specific instructions , but also to meet the technical requirements of the proposed procedure should be used .
( 3 ) Standard Practice (Standard Practice) it has one or more particular description given operation or function , the process does not produce results .
( 4 ) Standard Terminology (Standard Terminology) describe or define its terms , symbols , abbreviations, Acronyms explained.
( 5 ) Standard Guide (Standard Guide) it has a series of selection or usage is explained , but does not describe the specific implementation methods.
( 6 ) standard classification (Class.fication) it according to their origin , composition, performance, or use of materials, products, systems, or to distinguish and classify specific services


FCC Certification

FCC is FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONCOMMISSION ( Federal Communications Commission ) for short. FCC certification is on electromagnetic compatibility testing and certification , the U.S. FCC operating frequency for electromagnetic interference 9KHZ more electronic products are generated by the control . Electrical and electronic products sold in the United States , the need to apply for FCC certification and labeling FCC label .
FCC Certification There are three main ways :

Mainly for products
Self- verification
AV products , corded telephones, common household appliances , commercial PC, industrial consumers FCCRulePart18 non- public use , scientific and medical equipment ;

Declaration of Conformity
Home computer and peripherals,
Civilian radio receiver,
FCCRulePart15 other receivers,
TV interface devices,
Industrial cable system terminal devices and Part18 mass consumer use , scientific and medical equipment ;

Low- power transmitters such as cordless phones, automatic door remote control, radio-controlled toys and security alarm systems,
Part15 of intentional radiate radio frequency energy equipment,
Industrial Part18 mass consumer use , scientific and medical equipment , automatic frequency receiver and super-regenerative receiver, the TV interface devices, and home computers and peripherals ;